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Monday, July 19, 2010

Todae off agn.. coz ytd my birthdae
went out quite late.. wake up @ 10am..
actuali meeting mx 4 breakfast, but she say
she lazy to eat @ bangkit.. so on9 ,watch show..
till abt 4pm.. wait 4 my mum n sis to cum hm..
hav their shower den ahead to bangkit 4 dinner...
after ahead hm, on9 agn, watch show till 11+..

pictures are all in FB!!!
thks 4 u guys presents n ganma ang bao!!! ;)

Blogged @ 11:58 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Todae wake up @ 9.30am..
off todae, coz todae is my birthdae!!! ;)
ahead to bangkit 4 breakfast wif my mum
n sis... after tat walk walk 4awhile @ bangkit..
ahead hm on9, watch show till 2pm+, shower
make up, prepare myself.. ahead to bangkit lrt
to meet up Alicia, went to withdraw money
den take bus to cineleisure meet up Man Xin, DvD,
Sam n Serene @ 4pm..end up dvd n man xin reach @ 5pm..
haiz.. but is ok.. after tat we ahead 4 pool @ 4 level till
6pm.. den ahead to kbox for karaoke n buffet dinner.. while
singing n eating.. haha.. till abt 8.15pm, trevina my ganma came
n join in.. ;) n we continue singing.. till abt 10pm.. sam n serene left..
coz sam is workin e next day... den folo by trevina left.. next onli left
mie, Alicia, Man Xin n DvD continue singing till 11pm.. haha..
coz dvd n Alicia gt to work e next day too..
after tat ahead hm by mrt n lrt.. reach hm @ 12am.. hav a shower..
n go to slp..

Thks Alicia, Man Xin, DvD, Sam, Serene n Trevina
4 celebrating my 20th birthdae!!!!
hope u guys enjoy urself!!!

Blogged @ 12:00 AM
Don't let me go -

Friday, July 2, 2010

Todae wake up @ 8am....
brush teeth, breakfast, on9 watch show..
abt 9am, ahead shower, prepare myself,
make-up.. coz tonite after work gg k suites;)
after tat ahead bangkit for lunch, den ahead to work..
todae mie n my colleague Ling take care of
e shop, coz my other colleague yuet, went to
new shop to help my other colleague feng,
coz no part-time todae.. so mie n ling take care
of old shop.. startin no customer.. but slowly
den hav customer.. haiz.. so busy till 5+.. hav dinner..
after tat den gt customer agn.. den start serving them..
till 9.30pm, start calculating money, close shop..
coz gg k suites @ illuma.. ;) after tat wait 4
boss, her dad n mum n a few part-time cum le, den we ahead there..
startin was doin fine, start to sing..order beer
after awhile notice tat hw cum a few of my colleague
walkin in n out e room.. den nt long e waiter bring in a cake,
n e karaoke oso play a birthdae song.. mie n ling was surprised!!!
didn't noe tat they help us celebrate our birthdae.. coz my birthdae is on
18 july, ling is on 6 july, on tat date boss is gg oversea.. so celebrate
earli.. wanted to stay till 11.50pm de.. but they r celebrating 4 mie
n ling.. so i stay a bit later.. so call n tell my mum, coz they r celebrating
birthdae wif mie.. n my mum say ok.. den we continue sing, dance oso drink..
after nt long boss dad n mum left le.. we still continue
to dance n sing till 3am.. after tat take a cab hm.. spent $16.50 ..
reach hm abt 3.30am.. hav shower.. go to slp le.. afternoon start work
@ 2pm..

Blogged @ 6:23 AM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Todae off day agn..
wake up @ abt 9.30am
brush teeth, hav my breakfast
@ hm, after tat had shower
get change, prepare myself..
abt 11am ahead to United
Square Vienna Buffet resturant
to hav lunch, there gt bbq, seafood
wine.. n more.. all those nice food..
eat till full.. after tat walk walk awhile, see
electrical stuff, den ahead hm.. reach hm abt 5pm+..
hav shower, on9 til 7pm, went to watch tv til 9pm
on9 watch show till abt 11pm.. gtg le.. tmr gt work..
nites!!! :)

Blogged @ 11:00 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Off day todae wake up @ abt 10am..
brush teeth, on9, hav a bite..
after tat, shower prepare myself..
at abt 11am, ahead 2 United Square
@ Vienna Buffet Restaurnt for lunch.. ;)
there gt bbq, seafood, dian xin, wine n
more.. Wah!!! somemore free flow drinks!!!
BBQ veg, Nice too !!! Haha!!! so eat till abt 3pm,
after tat, go walk walk, see tv.. after tat ahead hm
reach hm @ abt 5pm.. hav a shower den on9 till 7pm
went watch tv till 9pm, on9 agn watch show till abt 11++..

gtg le.. Nite!!!

Blogged @ 10:29 PM
Don't let me go -

Friday, June 4, 2010

Todae wake up @ abt 9.30am...
samething, ytd work till 11pm..
wake up brush my teeth, prepare
myself... ahead to Ghim Moh for breakfast
wif my parents n sis... after tat walk 4awhile,
ahead hm use com watch show til
4+.. den ahead to shower, b4 i go out tonite...
after shower le, 4awhile, den ahead to Macpherson
hav dinner, after tat reach hm @ abt 7pm... watch tv
4awhile til 8pm, get change, make up, den 8.30 ahead to
kim san leng take 960 to bugis street meet up my colleagues
n my lady boss..
coz we r gg to iluma for karaoke, to relax ourselves, so wait
4 them to close shop..
after tat ahead to iluma for karaoke, den my lady boss starting
1st order 2 jar of beer, but starting i was thinkin wat to drink, coz
dun wan to drink beer so i order 'Voka Sprite'... after tat den we
start singing, while drinking... until abt 12am, help our another
colleague xiao feng to celebrate her 29th birthdae
b4 our lady boss ahead
to overseas.. after tat den we start dancing, after i finish my voka sprite,
so i start drinking beer... so we drink, sing, dance, until 3am.. wah!!!
nice!!! after tat take cab hm, reach hm @ abt 3.45am.. but my mum
wait 4 mie to cum hm den she slp.. :( feel so bad.. after tat hav a
shower brush my teeth, den go to slp, lucky next day boss allow mie
to work half day.. if nt will b veri tired, so start work @ 4pm-10pm...
gtg le.. bb

Blogged @ 3:33 AM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Todae is my off day.. :)
wake up @ 8.30am...
brush teeth, hav my breakfast ,
on9, watch show frm internet
until abt 11+, hav shower...
prepare myself, meet man xin @
bangkit lrt @ 12.15pm, den ahead
bangkit take bus to woodlands, to
meet dvd, take train ahead to
somerset, went 313 orchard G2000
to buy dvd graduation shirt, den ahead to
cineleisure hav japanese food for lunch;)
lunch abt $6.50... den ahead 4 pool, 4th lvl
open a new pool hall, onli $4.30/hr frm
2pm-4pm.. haha... after tat frm cineleisure
walk to ion orchard, shop shop, see see... den frm
ion orchard walk to Far East Plaza, walk around,
den hav dinner @ far east plaza, so dvd intro eat chicken
rice... after tat walk around for awhile, den take train ahead
hm, till cck take lrt.. reach hm @ abt 8+.. hav shower, on9
watch tv frm com till 11pm... tired le.. tmr gt work.. nitez!!!

Blogged @ 11:00 PM
Don't let me go -